Vaccination, animal marking (chipping), EU pet passport

Vaccination of an animal is a quick, simple, but necessary procedure, which helps to create immunity against serious, even fatal viral diseases. Veterinarians of “Greitoji žirafa” will provide information on how to prepare a pet for vaccination and choose the most suitable vaccination scheme.


  • Dogs against distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, infectious laryngotracheitis, parainfluenza and rabies.
  • Cats against viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis, panleukopenia (feline distemper) and rabies.
  • For show pets and dogs that are in frequent contact with other dogs, we recommend the “kennel cough” vaccine.

After the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania adopted amendments to the Law on Animal Welfare and Protection, from 2021 May 1st Mandatory labeling of pets – dogs, cats, ferrets with microchips and their registration in the Pet Register came into force.

In the clinic, we identify the animals: we enter the microchip and register them in the database. During the injection, a special microchip is introduced into the animal under the skin. Each microchip has a unique number, according to which the animal is recognized by a special scanner.

Marking and registration are required to travel with an animal outside of Lithuania, to identify a lost or found animal, when transferring pets or their young to another owner. Only licensed and registered veterinarians may tag animals.

Also, in order to travel with a pet outside our country, an EU pet passport is required. Transporting pets between countries is strictly regulated, so you should start taking care of the necessary documents long before your trip.


  • Microchipping of small animals;
  • Registration of animals in the database;
  • Issuance of a pet EU passport;
  • Preparation of documents for going abroad.

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