Offer for kennels!

Offer for kennels!

We invite you to share your pet concerns with us. Cat and dog kennels receive discounts on the following veterinary services:

• Annual vaccinations

• EU animal passports

• Microchipping

• Vaccinations for litters (when vaccinating – we will do a preventive check-up and trim the nails for free)

• Prophylactic measures against ticks, fleas and worms

• Diagnostics and treatment

• Labaratory tests

• Ultrasound examinations

• X-ray diagnostics

• Progesterone tests for bitches to determine fertility

• Various genetic tests at Laboklin

• Childbirth assistance A prerequisite for receiving a discount is to register the kennel animals in the clinic’s database.

Discounts for kennels:

2 animals – 10%

3 animals – 15%

4 or more animals – 20%

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